This foundation was born out of our love for the accordion. This instrument has given us a great life, with a wealth of experiences for which we are deeply grateful.
The foundation was established 1 October 1994 by Jeanette and Lars Dyremose and aims to support music students majoring in accordion, or any other activity whose primary purpose is to raise the level of performance on the accordion.
The assets of the foundation consist of funds, which were given as gifts in connection with the formation of the foundation, as well as continuous donations granted mostly by private donors.
The assets of the foundation also include a very fine historical instrument collection with accordion instruments collected/purchased by Lars Dyremose throughout his career.
The foundation was established 1 October 1994 by Jeanette and Lars Dyremose and aims to support music students majoring in accordion, or any other activity whose primary purpose is to raise the level of performance on the accordion.
The assets of the foundation consist of funds, which were given as gifts in connection with the formation of the foundation, as well as continuous donations granted mostly by private donors.
The assets of the foundation also include a very fine historical instrument collection with accordion instruments collected/purchased by Lars Dyremose throughout his career.